Most basic non verbal communication gestures are universal. When people are happy, they smile, when sad or angry most will signal unhappiness with a frown or a scowl. Babies are soothed by patting them on the back. Toddlers and young children shake their head from side to side when they want to indicate disagreement or they have had enough.
A shoulder shrug is another good example of a body gesture that indicates the listener does not understand or know what you are talking about. This clue or signal tells you to explain more about what you are asking, or put your request in terms the listener can get. Be aware of the signals for success.
Verbal Communication is the Language of Information
The words, tone of voice and vocabulary is important in sharing information. However, it is only worth about 20% of whether the client will buy your product or you. Scientists have found that we are much more likely to buy from someone who speaks to us in our right ear. The words are processed by the left side of the brain which is more logical and better at deciphering verbal information.
Non-Verbal Communication is the Language of Relationships
People like to do business with those they know, like and trust. Once you have established a rapport with the other person, they will want to help you succeed. The more you can connect with the other person, the more they will believe what you say and do.
Body language comes in clusters of signals and postures, depending on a number of circumstances including internal emotions. Interpreting a number of signals is much more reliable than just making a judgment or decision based on one non verbal clue.
Key Elements to Watch
- Eyes communicate more than any other part of human anatomy
- Facial gestures-smiles, grimace, open
- Hand and arm gestures- palms up, hand shake firm, position of authority
- Touch – safe touch for women, comfort and support, personal space
- Posture – confident, shoulders back, how you sit in a chair or lean on desk
- Movement – not fidgety or nervous, but deliberate
- Appearance – congruent with what you are saying
- Voice – modulation and tone varied and interesting
Trust Your Intuition
People tend to believe what others are doing, much more than what they are saying. If there is a discrepancy between words and actions, we usually trust their non verbal signals. So, listen to your intuition if it says something is too good to be true. It probably is.